REQUEST A QUOTE We are accepting project inquiries! Use the form below to submit an inquiry. If you have any other questions, you may contact us using the channels listed at the bottom of the page. Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Instagram Handle You Are A/An *StudentBusiness/CompanyIndividualCompany Name *School Name *Discount CodeService *3D Printing3D Scanning3D ModelingCNC MillingLaser Cutting/EngravingYou may select more than one.Can you provide a Digital file(s) for 3D Printing/Modeling, CNC Milling and Laser Cutting/Engraving?YesNoIf so, please follow steps on next page after you SUBMIT.... ie. .obj .stl .wrl+bitmap .zbd .zpr .dxf .dwg Your confirmation email will include a link to our WeTransfer where we accept larger files.Units *InchesMillimetersWhat units were used to model in?Printing Material Options *PowderPlasticSLANot SureYou may select more than one.Powder Type *ColorMonochromeNot SureYou may select more than one.Plastic Type *PLAABSASA (Exterior Applications)NylonPolyCarbonateNot SureYou may select more than one.SLA Type *ClearWhiteGreyBlackToughFlexibleDentalNot SureYou may select more than one.Will your file(s) fit in the Powder Printer Bed Size?YesNoNot SureBed Sizes: 8"X10"X8" (Monochrome) or 15"X10"X8" (Color & Monochrome) ***Please keep in mind, that models can be broken into parts and assembled post printing.***Will your file(s) fit in the Plastic Printer Bed Size?YesNoNot SureBed Size: 12"X8"X10" or 12"X12"X24" ***Please keep in mind, that models can be broken into parts and assembled post printing.***Does your SLA File fit the SLA Printer Bed Size?YesNoNot SureBed Size: 5"X5"X6" ***Please keep in mind, that models can be broken into parts and assembled post printing.***Image 1 Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Email Max File Size: 5MB. (If you have large files, you may use our WeTransfer which will appear on the confirmation page of this form.) Use as many images as necessary so we can have a better idea of what you would like to accomplish!Image 2 Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Image 3 Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Image 4 Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Image 5 Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Description/Notes/Questions *IE: Quantity? Purpose? Date Need By *Get our LA3-D Newsletter?Yes, sign me up!Please send me news, tips, and special offers!PhoneSubmit